ÜþVoice Mail Box.ini![ivr] wait=0 repeat=0 playcomplete=mailbox answer=true type=menu press1=noresponse press2=noresponse press3=noresponse press4=noresponse press5=noresponse press6=noresponse press7=noresponse press8=noresponse press9=noresponse press0=noresponse press#=noresponse press*=mailboxaccess varname=number maxdigits=4 varlimit=false varlimitmin=0 varlimitmax=10000 varlimitlistenabled=false varlimitlistexclude=false varlimitlist= varlimitlistisfile=false playex=false playexfile=C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\OGMs\Sample Start.wav readnumber=false readnumbervar= readnumbertype=0 log=false logname= logline=%date%,%time%,%linename%,%cid% announcecall=false announceplay= open=false openfile= openplugin=false press1mbx=Mailbox 1 press1mbxmessage=true press2mbx=Mailbox 2 press2mbxmessage=true press3mbx=Mailbox 3 press3mbxmessage=true press4mbx=Mailbox 4 press4mbxmessage=true press5mbx=Mailbox 5 press5mbxmessage=true press6mbx=Mailbox 6 press6mbxmessage=true press7mbx=Mailbox 7 press7mbxmessage=true press8mbx=Mailbox 8 press8mbxmessage=true press9mbx=Mailbox 9 press9mbxmessage=true press0mbx=Mailbox 0 press0mbxmessage=true playcompletembx=Mailbox 0 playcompletembxmessage=true playcompletembxmenu=true playcompletembxogmmenu=true varadvanced=false allow#=false press*direct=false [datetime] enabled=false commence=IMMEDIATE expire=NEVER todstart=00:00:00 todend=24:00:00 weekdays=127 failmode=1 failogm= [cid] enabled=false cidscanmode=0 cid= mode=1 ogm= [Graphic] X=100 Y=100 Î&Voice Mail Box.txt-, Mailbox 0.mbxæ[mbx] callscreen=false remoteaccess=false accesscode= sendemail=false emailaddress= sendemailaudio=true sendemaildelete=false sendftp=false ftpserver= ftpuser= ftppass= ftpdir= forwardtel=false forwardnumber= maxforwardattempts=2 forwardfailwaitmins=20 msgno=1 beep=false friendlyname= dialnewmessages= dialnonewmessages= UseDefaultLength=true UseDefaultMaxLength=true remoteaccesstime=false speechtotext=false sendtofolder=false sendfolder= autoplay=false ‰® settingsogmVoice Mail BoxVoice Mail Box Mailbox 00IVR Program MBX1 - Simple Single Voice Mailbox This is a sample IVR Program for IVM to demonstrate a single mailbox setup. Usage: Use the Call Simulator (from the File menu), to test this sample. The call is answered and goes directly to the mailbox. The caller will hear the Mailbox's personal greeting, the default of which is "This is mailbox X. Please leave your message after the tone". The caller can then leave a message after the tone. The caller can also press '*' when the call is answered to enter Mailbox Control. After entering a valid access code for the Mailbox (using Mailbox Properties), you can check your messages remotely. Modification: Changing a Mailbox's Personal Greeting. Select the Mailbox in the pull down list on the main window of IVM then select the Properties item from the Mailbox menu. Then click on the "Change Greeting" button. Changing Mailboxes' Properties. Select the Mailbox in the list on the main window of IVM then select the Properties item from the Mailbox menu. You can then adjust remote access or email send options for the Mailbox. Licence: This sample IVR Program may be used free by any users of the IVM who have purchased (at least) a IVM Small Business Licence. (c) NCH Software http://www.nch.com.au/ivm1ÿ